A good layout for the packaging and carrier bags is of great importance. Our studio carefully examines all artwork send to us for usability. We check your files on several points. From the quality of the images (resolution) to the usability of the logo. Where necessary, we give you feedback and advise which files we need for correct processing. Our principle is that all your packaging and carrier bags are perfectly printed in the highest possible quality.
Our team of graphic experts ensures that you get the most beautiful artworks, logos, printing images and printing colours on your printed packaging. Do you need help with the layout of your packaging, with the delivery of your print files or with obtaining a PDF to make the design in? Please feel free to contact our graphic studio by phone or email. We are happy to help you!

Perfect for print
Then please check this carefully to see whether the design can actually be printed with the corresponding printing technique and material. Each printing technique and material has its own specific properties that must be taken into account when preparing the print file. If necessary, we adjust the design in such a way that it will always be printed correctly.
We like to help! Our studio people are passionate designers and graphic designers and which will make the right design for you. Ready made and ready to print. After you have approved the PDF proof, we prepare the artwork for printing, i.e. production ready. The production takes another critical look at the design and sends us the final test for control. Only after our release are the printing plates/clichés, films or roto plates are made. Check, check, double check!