CSR policy
You have undoubtedly seen or heard about the term CSR. Not surprising because more and more companies are paying attention to CSR in recent years. More attention is given to CSR because sustainable and responsible entrepreneurship are becoming increasingly important. But what does CSR actually stand for and you might be curious how we implement this in our daily policy at FF-PACKAGING. We will briefly explain this here.
Code of conduct
FF-PACKAGING thinks it is important that it's products are manufactured in an honest and responsible way. In this code or conduct, we describe the guidelines and principles that we pursue and organize as an organization. In this way, we contribute to ethical standards in the countries where we are active.

We believe it is important that our packaging is produced under the right conditions and keeping people and the environment in mind. FF-PACKAGING has certificates for a number of important trademarks. One of these trademarks is FSC®. You may have already seen the name FSC® and wonder what it stands for. Here we explain in a nutshell what FSC® means.
We believe it is important our packaging it is produced under the right conditions. The interests of people and the environment have a central point in this believe. Fairtrade® is an important trademark that contributes to this. FF-PACKAGING is certified to produce and deliver cotton and canvas carrier bags with the Fairtrade® trademark. You may have seen the name Fairtrade® before and wonder what it stands for. This trademark is briefly explained here.

We believe it is important that our products are produced according to the highest standards, where people and the environment are central and where we can also proof this.
FF-PACKAGING is certified to carry various trademarks, including GOTS®. You may have already seen this name and you are curious about the meaning behind this trademark. Here we briefly explain what GOTS® stands for.
More and more people see the importance of sustainable and responsible entrepreneurship while keeping an eye for people and the environment. Trade marks have been created in order to make a responsible choice in this regard. We with FF-PACKAGING find it important that the products in our range are produced under the right conditions. We carry therefor the following trademarks: Fairtrade®, GOTS® and FSC®.
We believe that as a leading supplier of carrier bags and packaging, we should go one step further. That is why we have our own trademark, ZEROTREE®, for years already. You may have seen this name before, but what does ZEROTREE® actually stand for? We will explain this briefly here.

Lean & Green
As a leading supplier of carrier bags and packaging, we believe it is important that our products are made under responsible and sustainable conditions, with attention for people and the environment. For example, workers must receive a fair wage and factories must work with environmentally friendly printing inks. We also think it is important that CO2 emissions remain as low as possible.
We are aware that we contribute to CO2 emissions by transporting our products around the world, by plane, boat, train or road by truck or delivery van. We would like to keep these emissions as low as possible. That is why we ask our transporters to take measures in this regard.
Climate neutral
The realization that global warming is caused by us humans means that more and more companies are setting the goal of reducing CO2 emissions or becoming climate neutral. The importance of doing business in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way is becoming increasingly important. In addition, rules are imposed by governments and the consumer also asks for measures with which companies can demonstrate that they are taking action to reduce their CO2 emissions.
An important way of reducing CO2 emissions is by conducting business in a climate-neutral way. But what does this actually mean? Maybe you are curious about this or you wonder what we at FF-PACKAGING do to contribute to this. Here we provide a brief explanation.